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Coronation Street Liam Connors Bullying Ordeal Takes A Tragic Turn

Coronation Street: Liam Connor's Bullying Ordeal Takes a Tragic Turn

Liam Contemplates Suicide in Upcoming Episode

Bullying Victim Faces Devastating Consequences

In a shocking twist to the ongoing bullying storyline on ITV's Coronation Street, Liam Connor will contemplate suicide in an upcoming hour-long episode. The storyline has taken a harrowing turn as Liam struggles to cope with the relentless torment he has endured from his classmates.

In a heartbreaking scene, Liam retreats to his room and searches online for ways to end his life. His despair is palpable as he contemplates the devastating consequences of his tormentors' actions.

Coronation Street producers have worked closely with mental health charities to ensure that the storyline is handled sensitively and accurately. The episode is set to air next week and is expected to raise awareness of the devastating impact of bullying on young people.

Liam Connor is played by actor Charlie Wrenshall, who has praised the show for its willingness to tackle such an important issue. "This storyline is so important," Wrenshall said. "It's a tragedy that so many young people are bullied, and we need to do everything we can to raise awareness and stop it from happening."
